Data Types:

Primitive data types in Java


Arithmetic Operators
The Assignment Operator
The Increment (++) and Decrement (--) Operators in Java

Operator precedence
Type casting in Java

Additional Java Programming Concepts:

String concatenation in Java
Named constants/static class constants in Java

Sample Programs:

Program #1: Simple Arithmetic Operators Example
Program #2: Simple Increment/Decremet Operators Example
Program #3: Mixed Expressions Example
Program #4: BMI Program Example
Program #5: String Concatenation Example


Data Types

Internally, the computer stores all data as 0s and 1s (binary). All programming languages have the notion of data types and ask the programmer to specify what type of data is being manipulated (integer, real number, character, string.)
Data type = a set of data values (called domain) and a set of operations on those values.  The data type determines:

·  How the data is internally represented in the computer.

·  Storage size.

·  Range of values.

·  What processing/operations the computer can perform on it.

Java primitive types: Java's built-in simple data types for numbers, text characters, and logic ==>Java has eight primitive types to represent simple data. Types that are not primitive are called object types (to be discussed later.)

Description: Description: Description: C:\Courses-NOW\Webpage\236\LectureNotes\L3-DataTypesChart.gif

Of the eight primitive types available in Java, we will mostly use the following four this semester:

The following table shows the storage size, default values, and data domains (range of values) for all eight of Java’s primitive types:

Description: Description: Description: C:\Courses-NOW\Webpage\236\LectureNotes\L3-PrimitiveDataTypes.JPG
Note: In addition to these eight primitive data types, Java also provides special support for character strings via the java.lang.String class. Strings must be contained within double quotes. Enclosing characters within double quotes will automatically create a new String object (for example, String s = "Hello World!";). Once created, the values of string objects cannot be changed. The String class is not technically a primitive data type, but most programmers tend to think of it as such. We will discuss more about the String class later.

Declaration: the mechanism used to define/declare identifiers. For data objects, two attributes of an identifier are specified in the declaration: (1) the data type associated with the identifier and (2) whether the identifier represents a variable or a constant.
A declaration tells the compiler to allocate enough memory to hold a value of a particular data type, and to associate the identifier with that memory location.
We use declarations to define for the compiler the terms that we will use in the program (like defining technical terms before they are used in a paper).
In Java, you must declare a variable before you can use it.  The declaration establishes the name and type of the variable and, in most cases, specifies the initial value as well. The most common form of a variable declaration is

DataType VariableName = value;

where DataType is the name of a Java primitive type or class, VariableName is an identifier that indicates the name of the variable, and value is an expression specifying the initial value.


Expression: A data value, or a set of operations that compute a data value. The simplest expression is a literal value. A complex expression can use operators and parentheses. The values to which an operator applies are called operands.
The simplest terms that appear in expressions are constants and variables.  The value of a constant does not change during the course of a program.  A variable is a placeholder for a value that can be updated as the program runs. A variable in Java is most easily envisioned as a box capable of storing a value.
                int salary = 60000;


Each variable has the following attributes:

Note: The name and type of a variable are fixed.  The value changes whenever you assign a new value to the variable.

As in most languages, computation in Java is specified in the form of arithmetic expressions that closely resemble expressions in mathematics. Calculations are performed with expressions, and expressions are made up of constants, variables, and operators. Operators in Java usually appear between two subexpressions, which are called its operands. Operators that take two operands are called binary operators. The - operator can also appear as a unary operator, as in the expression -x, which denotes the negative of x (unary plus is very rarely used; numbers without sign are assumed to be positive numbers.) The operators allowed in an expression depend on the data types of the constants and variables involved in the expression.
1. Arithmetic Operators: The most common operators in Java are the arithmetic operators: + (addition), - (subtraction), *(multiplication), / (division), and % (modulus, or remainder).

7 / 2 = 3
7.0 / 2.0 = 3.5

Note: Division by 0 is illegal (runtime error!)

15 / 8 = 1
15.0 / 8 = 1.875

18 / 4 = 4
18 % 4 = 2

Note: % by 0 is illegal (runtime error!)

2. The Assignment Operator: stores into a variable the value of an expression (arrangement of identifiers, literals, and operators that can be evaluated to compute a value of a given type).

VariableName = Expression;

x += 15; <==> x = x + 15;
x -= 5;  <==> x = x - 5;
x *= 10; <==> x = x * 10;
x /= 3;  <==> x = x / 3;

In general:


Equivalent longer version

<variable> += <value> ;

<variable> = <variable> + <value> ;

<variable> -= <value> ;

<variable> = <variable> - <value> ;

<variable> *= <value> ;

<variable> = <variable> * <value> ;

<variable> /= <value> ;

<variable> = <variable> / <value> ;

<variable> %= <value> ;

<variable> = <variable> % <value> ;

3. The Increment (++) and Decrement (--) Operators: unary operators (take one operand) (x++, ++x, x--, --x)

int a;
int n = 13;
a = ++n * 3; //n = 14, a = 42

int a;
int n = 13;
a = n++ * 3; //n = 14, a = 39

4. Operator Precedence:

You can specify the order of the operations by inserting ( ) parentheses (square brackets are not allowed in Java). They make the expressions easier to read and less prone to programmer error. If you omit parentheses, Java will follow rules (called precedence rules) that determine the order in which the operators are performed (who goes first). Precedence rules are similar to rules used in algebra.







Unary Operators 

(+, -, ++, --, !)








Modulus (Remainder)









 =, +=, -=, *=, /= 



Higher precedence determines which operator is applied first in an expression having several operators. Parentheses will override the precedence rules.
Left-to-right associativity means that in an expression having 2 operators with the same priority, the left operator is applied first (right-to left associativity is what?). All binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated from left to right; assignment operators are evaluated right to left.

5. Type Casting in Java:

The Java programming language allows you to construct compound expressions from various smaller expressions as long as the data type required by one part of the expression matches the data type of the other. What about the use of mixed type expressions and assignments? What if we mix integer and floating-point values together in an assignment statement or in an arithmetic expression?

Type coercion = automatic (implicit) conversion of a value from one data type to another. If you are not careful, implicit type coercion can generate unexpected results. Example:

int int_number; //int_number can hold ONLY integer values.
double float_number; //float_number can hold ONLY floating-point values.
float_number = 20; // Java will convert 20 to 20.0 - type coercion
int_number = 5.5; // ERROR
float_number = 2 * int_number + 3;      // type coercion to double: 13.0
float_number = 5 * int_number - 7;      // convert the result to double: 18.0
int_number = 7.8 / float_number - 12.5; // ERROR

Observation: Converting from int to double doesn't cause loss of information (12 = 12.0); converting from double to int will generate a compiling error. Take a look at Program #4

To make the programs clear and error free we can use type casting (or type conversion)
Type casting = The explicit conversion of a value from one data type to another. The unary cast operator is used to explicitly convert a type, truncating the result, if necessary (i.e., with information loss) and it has the following form:

(dataTypeName) expression.

First, the expression is evaluated; next, its value is treated temporarily as a value of the type specified by dataTypeName.

float_number = (double)(15/2 * int_number + 3);
int_number = (int)(7.8/float_number - 12.5);

Mixed types expression = expression that contains operands of different data types. Java automatically promotes (converts) mixed-type values to a common type if they are compatible (that is, both can represent the same value) and loss of information will not occur.  For example, for variable declarations int i = 15 and double x = 10.8,

i + x = 15 + 10.8 = 15.0 + 10.8 = 25.8
i + (int)x = 15 + (int)10.8 = 15 + 10 = 25

Observation: Relying on implicit type coercion within expressions and across the assignment operator can lead to unexpected results in two situations: (1) assigning a floating point value to an integer variable (error) and (2) unintended integer division. Mixing types can yield many errors. Example:

int sum = 90;
int count = 120;
double avg; //expected result avg = 0.75
avg = sum / count; // Wrong, with implicit type coercion; avg is 0.0!
avg = (double)(sum / count);// Still wrong, with type casting; avg still 0.0!
avg = (double)sum / (double)count; // Correct, avg is 0.75;
avg = (double)sum / count; // Correct, avg is 0.75;
avg = sum / (double)count; // Correct, avg is 0.75;

Additional Java Concepts

1. Output using String Concatenation:

Data types reminder: A string is a sequence of zero or more characters and they are enclosed in double quotation marks (" ", not single quotation marks, as in the char data type). Because strings are not primitive data types, Java provides the class String to effectively process them. This class is very common and it is used very frequently - will be discussed more in depth later; for now we just need to know how to use strings in output statements with the concatenation operation.
Output reminder: We have seen  output sent to the console window with System.out.println. Unfortunately, you can pass just one value to println, which is a limitation - to get around it, Java provides the concatenation operation to put together more pieces into one long string.
Concatenation: Combining several strings into a single string, or combining a string with other data into a new, longer string. We use the addition (+) operator to concatenate these pieces together. The result is an expression (including numbers and text) that can be evaluated.
Examples (Look at Program #5 to see the implementation in Java):

"The sum = " + 10 + 20 <==> The sum = 1020
"The sum = " + (10 + 20) <==> The sum = 30
"The sum of  " + 10 + " and " + 20 + " = " + (10 + 20) <==> The sum of 10 and 20 = 30

Note: A variation of the println  statement in Java is a print statement.

System.out.print("First part. ");
System.out.print("Second part. ");
System.out.print("Third part.");

will generate the output:

First part. Second part. Third part.

The statements

System.out.println("First part. ");
System.out.println("Second part. ");
System.out.println("Third part.");

will generate the output:

First part.
Second part.
Third part.

2. Named Constants in Java:

Class constant: A variable that can be seen throughout the entire program. The value of a constant can only be set when it is declared. It can not be changed while the program is running.
Syntax: public static final <type> <name> = <value> ;
Note #1: Because everything must be part of a class in Java, the usual way to declare a constant is as a "class constant."
Note #2: In Java, static and final are reserved words. The reserved word final specifies that the value stored is fixed and cannot be changed.
Naming conventions reminder: The names of constants are written in all uppercase letters. If the name you choose is a run-together-word, then the words are separated with the underscore character.Choose meaningful names that explain what they represent. By using constants programs become more readable and adaptable (any future changes are easier to make because if the fixed values change, you don't need to edit the entire program and make the appropriate changes; instead, you can make the change at just one place, where the constant was dwclared). Like variables, constants can be declared anywhere, but because they are generally used by multiple methods, we generally declare constants outside of methods, just before main(). In this way, all methods can access the constants, and the constants are said to be "global" to the program (class).


public static final int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
public static final int MAX_SIZE = 100;
public static final double OVERTIME_FACTOR = 1.5;
public static final double INTEREST_RATE = 3.5;
public static final char BLANK = ' ';

Note #3: In Java, the default data type for floating-point numbers is double (not float) --> if you declare a named constant of type float, you must specify it in declaration (if not --> compiling error)

public static final float INTEREST_RATE = 3.5f; //the letter f at the end specifies that 3.5 is a float value
public static final float OVERTIME_FACTOR = 1.5f; //the letter f at the end specifies that 1.5 is a float value

Reminder: float values are stored on 4 bytes, double values are stored on 8 bytes, but memory size is not that important with modern computers --> use the type double to work with floating-point values.

Sample Programs

Program #1: Arithmetic Operators Example

class ArithmeticOp {
     public static void main (String[] args){
          int n = 13;
          n = n - 3; // n is now 10
          //Same as n -= 3;
          n = n * 2; // n is now 20
          //Same as n *= 2;
          n = n / 3; // n is now 6; lost decimals
          //Same as n /= 3;
          n = n + 18; // n is now 24
          //Same as n += 18;
          n = n % 5;  // n is now 4
          //Same as n %= 5;

Program #2: Increment/Decrement Operators Example:

class IncrBoolOp {
     public static void main(String[] args){
          int n = 1;
          n++;  // n is now 2; Same as n = n + 1;
          n++; // n is now 3;  Same as n = n + 1;
          n--; // n is now 2;  Same as n = n - 1;
          boolean dataOK = true;
          System.out.println(dataOK); // true
          System.out.println(!dataOK);// false

Program #3: Mixed expressions, type casting and string concatenation example:

class MixedExpr {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("5 / 2 + 6.5 = " + (5 / 2 + 6.5));
        System.out.println("5 + 16.8 / 2 = " + (5 + 16.8 / 2));
        System.out.println("5 * 3 + 8 / 3 - 6.5 = " + (5 * 3 + 8 / 3 - 6.5));
        System.out.println("(7 * (10 - 5) % 3) * 4.2 + 9 = " + (7 * (10 - 5) % 3) * 4.2 + 9);
        System.out.println("5 * 7 + 19 / 5 + 37 % 11 - 15.8 = " + (5 * 7 + 19 / 5 + 37 % 11 - 15.8 ));
        System.out.println("(double)(87) / 4 = " + (double)(87) / 4);
        System.out.println("(double)(87 / 4) = " + (double)(87 / 4));
        System.out.println("(int)(5.9 + (double)(25) / 2) = " + ((int)(5.9 + (double)(25) / 2)));
        System.out.println("(int)(5.9 + (double)(25 / 2)) = " + (int)(5.9 + (double)(25 / 2)));

Sample Output:
5 / 2 + 6.5 = 8.5
5 + 16.8 / 2 = 13.4
5 * 3 + 8 / 3 - 6.5 = 10.5
(7 * (10 - 5) % 3) * 4.2 + 9 = 8.49
5 * 7 + 19 / 5 + 37 % 11 - 15.8 = 26.2
(double)(87) / 4 = 21.75
(double)(87 / 4) = 21.0
(int)(5.9 + (double)(25) / 2) = 18
(int)(5.9 + (double)(25 / 2)) = 17

Program #4: BMI (Body Mass Index) Program Example:

Version #1

Version #2 (With Errors)

public class BMICalculator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // declare variables
        double height;
        double weight;
        double bmi;
        // compute BMI
        height = 70;
        weight = 195;
        bmi = weight / (height * height) * 703;
        // print results
        System.out.println("Current BMI: " + bmi);
        // recompute BMI; same height, change weight
        weight = 180;
        bmi = weight / (height * height) * 703;
        // print new results
        System.out.println("Target BMI: " + bmi);

public class BMICalculator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // declare variables
        double height;
        double weight;
        int bmi;
        // compute BMI
        height = 70;
        weight = 195;
        bmi = weight / (height * height) * 703;
        // print results
        System.out.println("Current BMI: " + bmi);
        // recompute BMI; same height, change weight
        weight = 180;
        bmi = weight / (height * height) * 703;
        // print new results
        System.out.println("Target BMI: " + bmi);


Current BMI: 27.976530612244897
Target BMI: 25.82448979591837


2 errors found:
File: C:\home\IZ\  [line: 10]
Error: C:\home\IZ\ possible loss of precision
found   : double
required: int
File: C:\home\IZ\  [line: 15]
Error: C:\home\IZ\ possible loss of precision
found   : double
required: int

Program #5: String Concatenation Example:

class Concatenation {
    public static final int MAX = 3;
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Will show " + MAX + " examples of string concatenation.");
        System.out.println("The sum = " + 10 + 20);
        System.out.println("The sum = " + (10 + 20));
        System.out.println("The sum of  " + 10 + " and " + 20 + " = " + (10 + 20));

Sample Output:
Will show 3 examples of string concatenation.
The sum = 1020
The sum = 30
The sum of 10 and 20 = 30

Additional Resources:
1. (Oracle) The Java Tutorials: Primitive Data Types
2. (Oracle) The Java Tutorials: Arithmetic Operators
3. (Oracle) The Java Tutorials: Operators

Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, by Stuart Reges, and Marty Stepp, Addison Wesley, 2008.