Java References

Java online resources:

  1. Java Homepage: The latest technical specs and downloads.
  2. Code Conventions: Guide for proper style when programming in Java.
  3. Java Tutorials: Links to books and web pages about Java.
  4. Java SE 8 API: This document is the API specification for the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition. Search the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specification. Excellent reference (bookmark!)
  5. Java SE 8 Download
  6. JDK 8 Documentation
  7. (IBM) Java tutorials

Java books (free download)

  1. Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java (3rd Edition) - A good reference book, available FREE on-line (download)
  2. Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java  (4th Edition) - The first 7 chapters of the 4th edition are available FREE on-line (download) Considered by many to be the best Java reference book.
  3. Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne. Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach - A good reference book, FREE download
  4. Allen B. Downey, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Java Version - FREE download
  5. David J. Eck, Introduction to Programming Using Java (5th Edition) - This book is directed mainly towards beginning programmers. FREE download
  6. Lynn Andrea Stein, Introduction to Interactive Programming - link

DrJava and Eclipse online resources:

DrJava is an instructional environment for writing Java Programs. Developed at Rice University, Dr. Java features an interpreter that can be used to interactively execute lines of Java programs.

  1. DrJava Homepage
  2. DrJava Documentation
  3. A Quick Start Guide to DrJava
  4. Eclipse IDE for Java Developers