Instructions for Downloading Java


Java Download from Oracle Microsystems

NOTE 1: Please read and print these instructions before attempting to download Java from Oracle Microsystems.
NOTE 2: Make sure that you download Java BEFORE downloading DrJava!
NOTE 3: You need to have administrator privilege to install Java.
NOTE 4: Java 8 is the latest version of Java available for download. Recent releases of DrJava state that they support Java 6, 7 and 8. Last semester, to ensure compatibility with DrJava, all COSC 236 sections used Java 7. It is up to you to decide which Java version you want to download on your computer - the link I provide here will take you to the downloads page for Java
NOTE 5: You can have different versions of Java without any conflict. Each version should be in a separate subdirectory within the Program Files/Java directory. However, to avoid possible problems with DrJava, you are advised to uninstall other versions.

In this class we want to be able to develop Java programs, therefore, we will download the JDK (Java Development Kit), which consists of a Java compiler, in addition to the JRE (Java Runtime Environment.)

  1. Follow this link to get to the download page for Java SE Development Kit
  2. Select:

 Platform: Windows
 Language: (whatever)
 Click I Agree to the software license
 Click Continue

  1. Select (checkbox) Windows Offline Installation
  2. Left click on file name to download and save to your PC, noting where the file is downloaded to.
  3. When download finished, go to the location where the file was saved and double-click the file name in order to begin installation.
  4. Select Install the Development Tools (the Demos, Source Code, and Public JRE can all be deselected to save space).

After downloading and installing Java, there will be a Java directory created in Program Files All you need to write and compile Java programs is within this directory.